Wednesday, 1 April 2015

pakistan geography information

Pkistani Geography information

Today pakistan is still an unstable country with various political issues However it is considered a federal republic with the bicameral parliment consisting of the senate and the National Assembly.Pakistan also has an executive branch of government with chief of state field by the president and a head of government filled by the prime minister.Pakistan judicial branch is composed of the supreme court and the federal islamic or sharia court.Pakistan is divided into four provinces,one territory and one capital territory for local administration.
Economic and Land use in Pakistan.Pakistan is considered a developing nationand as such it has a highly underdeveloped economy.This is  largely because of its decades of political instablity and a lack of political foreign investment.Taxtiles are Pakistan's main export but it also has indutries that include food processing,pharmaceuticals,constraction materials,paper products,fertilizer and shrimp.
Agriculture in Pakistan include cotton,wheat,rice,sugarcane,fruits,vegetables,milk,beef,mutton.

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